Monday, February 8, 2010


Since coming back to Urbana from a month in Chicago and South America I have to say that I've been a bit overwhelmed with all of the wooly things in my apartment. Yarn, unfinished objects, and even finished pieces have been taking over a lot of my space. I have made quite a few hats, scarves, and shawls in my relatively short time as a knitter and many of them I keep for myself. However, I don't wear all of them because I have favorites that get more use than others. I have a couple favorite hats and quite a few favorite scarves and shawls, but I had a whole bag of beautiful and functional accessories hidden under my bed. So, I decided to have a few of my good friends over for dinner and I put out a big pile of knitwear for them to pick from. They were very excited and it felt so good to let go of all those pieces, especially to really appreciative friends, and now the things I made are actually being used everyday. Since then, I have made a couple new projects for friends. One of them was the Purl Ridge Scarf in my last post, a cowl that I'm currently working on, and this quick and fun bulky neckwarmer for my friend Nibia.

I used Malabrigo Aquarella for most of it with a thick stripe using Malabrigo Gruesa on US 13 needles.

Anyway, it felt good to purge all those knitted items I wasn't using and also make some new ones for friends. If you have some knits lying around that you don't use anymore, I would encourage you to let go of them too because handmade knits should be used and worn.

Now that I don't have all those unused hats and scarves lying around I feel better about making something new for myself. After making the Purl Ridge Scarf for a friend I decided I would like to have one to wear and also bring with me as a sample when I visit and teach at yarn shops. I have been pretty good about knitting from my stash recently and not acquiring too much new yarn. So, I went through my stash and found some Rowan Lima in a beautiful shade of green that I got in Chicago last year. I had a wonderful evening of knitting and baking instead of watching the superbowl. Plus, I had some good company...


  1. it is purging to find a good home for your knits! i had made a shawl, which i really liked knitting, and found quite nice as an FO, but it just wasn't me, and it didn't work with my wardrobe. finally found someone for it last week! yay!

  2. Haha, I love that last photo! And I'm slightly envious of your relaxed evening even though I had a good time at a super bowl party full up with screaming fans, screeching kids, and never-ending food. A good time but it was a little overwhelming.

  3. woooow Im so impressed!!!!!!!
    You are real good to Norway its very few..almost none men that knit...its really NICE too see!!!!

  4. You guys look so cute together. Thanks for the encouragement...I am facing the same clutter, but my bag is in my closet.

  5. What a great idea. I tend to give things away to easily after I complete them. Now I'm going to keep in mind about a knitwear party and tuck it away for when my knit items bury me in an avalanche of wool. Thank you!

  6. So, yesterday I walk in to Steven Berg's fabulous fiber workshop space for the first time. It is packed with yarn, patterns, fiber, accessories. And it takes me all of 2 minutes to spot his version of your Daybreak scarf and know it had to go high on my queue. I nabbed his last copy of the pattern - it is stunning - and when he praised your other work I came right over here. He was right. I'm looking forward to watching new designs come off your needles!

  7. That last photo is fantastic - cozy, comfy, cute - all in one. Am loving your blog and patterns, keep up the great work!
